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Getting Covid Vaccination at Home

August 21, 2021

Did you know that getting a Covid vaccination at home is easy as a Medicare beneficiary? There are several vaccination sites that made Covid vaccination accessible. However, not everyone has the luxury to travel even to the nearest vaccination site. Medicare covers vaccination at home to its beneficiaries who have difficulty traveling.

Are vaccines safe and effective?

It is normal to question whether vaccines are safe and effective. In fact, it is important to know and understand how vaccines work. Vaccination has helped stop the spread of many diseases throughout history. Should you have concerns about vaccination, it is best to consult your doctor or health care provider to learn more. Visit the CDC website to learn more about vaccines.

Getting Covid vaccination at home

If you have difficulty traveling to get vaccinated, Medicare will pay for the vaccine to be administered by a doctor or other care provider at the comfort of your home.

You can ask your doctor or health care provider if they can administer the vaccine at your home. However, if your care provider cannot, they might be able to refer you to someone who can do this. Moreover, Medicare can also help you check vaccine contacts within your state. If you need more help, you can call 1-800-MEDICARE to get more information.

In addition, Medicare will cover an additional dose of the Covid vaccine if you are immunocompromised.

Can I request for additional medical services together with my vaccination at home?

You can also request other medical services. However, you may need to pay a deductible for the additional service. Contact your doctor or health care provider to learn about how much your copayment will be for the service. On the other hand, you should not pay for anything if you only availed of the Covid vaccination.

Other vaccinations covered by Medicare

Medicare covers other types of immunizations for adults. These are the immunizations Medicare covers.

Medicare Part B covers:

  • All influenza vaccines
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
  • Medically necessary vaccines (Td for wound management or Hepatitis B for high-risk people)

Medicare Part D covers:

  • All immunizations not covered by part B, including:
    • Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
    • Zoster (shingles)
    • Varicella (chickenpox)
    • Hepatitis B

Do you want to learn more about Medicare?

Read more by clicking the link below

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Vanessa was so helpful with info, and very prompt in getting back to me.
Kathleen Sullivan
Vanessa was so helpful with info, and very prompt in getting back to me.
Kathleen Sullivan
I have experienced with Vanessa the very best customer service of all time. She treats me with respect and make feel special. She made me say “wow”.
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I have experienced with Vanessa the very best customer service of all time. She treats me with respect and make feel special. She made me say “wow”.
Juan Herrera
Vanessa provides thorough and very informative sessions on Medicare insurance providers. The information she provides helps me and my wife make informed decisions during the annual Medicare enrollment period.
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Vanessa provides thorough and very informative sessions on Medicare insurance providers. The information she provides helps me and my wife make informed decisions during the annual Medicare enrollment period.
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Vanessa is always helpful and trying to get the best for her clients
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Vanessa found health insurance for me when I relocated here from Las Vegas
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