5 Exercises Seniors Can Do on National Senior Health and Fitness Day

May 25, 2022 | Medicare Benefits


5 Exercises Seniors Can Do on National Senior Health and Fitness Day

National Senior Health and Fitness Day is an annual event that promotes exercise and healthy living among seniors. This day is an excellent opportunity for seniors to move and improve their health. Working out has many benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mental health, and increasing lifespan.

Here are some exercises seniors can do on this day:

5 Exercises Seniors Can Do

Chair yoga

Yoga is an excellent exercise for seniors, as it helps to improve flexibility and balance. In addition, chair yoga can be done while seated in a chair, making it ideal for seniors who may have difficulty getting up and down from the floor.

5 Exercises Seniors Can Do


Walking is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints. It’s also a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine. Wear comfortable shoes and start out with a short walk, gradually increasing the distance as you get more comfortable.

5 Exercises Seniors Can Do

Strength Training 

Strength training helps to build strong muscles and bones. Seniors can use dumbbells, resistance bands, or bodyweight to do strength-training exercises.

5 Exercises Seniors Can Do

Tai chi 

Tai chi is an exercise that combines gentle movements with deep breathing. It’s a great way to reduce stress and improve balance.

5 Exercises Seniors Can Do


Dancing is a fun way to get moving and exercise. There are many different types of dance, so seniors can find a style that suits them. Whether it’s ballroom dancing, salsa, or line dancing, dancing is a great way to stay active.

These are just a few ideas of exercises seniors can do on National Senior Health and Fitness Day. It’s never too late to start reaping the benefits of exercise. This annual event celebrates senior fitness and highlights the importance of staying active as we age. Exercise is vital for everyone, but it’s especially important for seniors to maintain their health and wellbeing. So get moving and enjoy this special day!

Medicare can help cover the costs of some fitness activities, like senior wellness programs and physical therapy. So check with your doctor to see how Medicare can help you stay active and healthy.

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