It’s Hug Holiday and let’s talk about the benefits of hugging.
Did you know that hugging can be good for you? Those warm embraces can do more than make you feel cuddly and loved. Hugging comes with a whole host of benefits that are backed by science!
Here are five reasons why you should go out and hug someone today:
Hugging Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a serious problem that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. But did you know that hugging can help to lower your blood pressure? One study found that people who hugged frequently had significantly lower blood pressure than those who didn’t hug often. So if you’re looking for a way to reduce your blood pressure naturally, hugging may be worth a try!
Hugging Can Help Reduce Stress and anxiety
We all know that feeling of being stressed out or anxious. But did you know that hugging can help to reduce those feelings? One study found that people who hugged frequently had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. So if you’re feeling stressed, why not reach for a hug instead of a cup of coffee?
Hugging Can Boost Your Immune System
Hugging can also help to boost your immune system! One study found that people who hugged frequently were less likely to get sick during cold and flu season. So if you’re looking for a way to stay healthy this winter, don’t forget the power of a good hug!
Hugging Can Help You Live Longer
Yep, it’s true! One study found that people who hugged frequently were likelier to live longer than those who didn’t embrace often. So if you’re looking for a way to add a few extra years to your life, hugging may be the answer!
Hugging Can Make You happier
Last but not least, hugging can make you happier! People who hugged frequently were more likely to report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with their lives. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your mood, why not try hugging someone?
How many hugs do we need? According to some experts, the answer is eight per day. But on Hug Holiday, we say the more, the merrier! So go out and give everyone you see a big squeeze.
Happy Hugging!
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- Grewen KM, et al. (2003). Warm partner contact is related to lower cardiovascular reactivity.
- Inagaki TK, et al. (2012). Neural correlates of giving support to a loved one.
- Sheldon Cohen, et al.(2014). Does Hugging Provide Stress-Buffering Social Support? A Study of Susceptibility to Upper Respiratory Infection and Illness.